Well, as I suppose most of you know, in the UK, vehicles manufactured (constructed) before 1st January 1973 are exempt from Road Fund Licence (Car tax). However you have to apply for a tax disc or, presumably, apply for a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification). To apply for a Tax disc you need Insurance and an MOT. In my particular case, Ray had been the registered keeper since way back (pre SORN) but had not applied for the Tax, as the car was not being driven on the road. Those of you who have read this blog will know that Ray's son David is now using me for daily transport, so he recently applied for the tax disc (exempt).
Fortunately the local DVLA office is only a 15 minute drive away in Sidcup,Kent (near Sidcup railway station) so I popped Dave down there a couple of weeks ago. He was suitably armed with my new style registration document, insurance certificate and MOT.
The necesssary application form was filled in there and then. The chap behind the counter asked if there was a SORN but didn't seem interested in the answer. According to the DVLA you don't need a SORN if the vehicle was taken off the road before the law came out. Anyway it was all pretty simple in the end and as you can see Dave stuck the new disc on my front windscreen (bit too far over if you ask me). You should be able to read my new taxation class: HISTORIC..posh, eh what!?
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